Tomorrow at 10.30 at the FU… Talk on Globalized Civil Society: the experience of México vía Berlín


This time goes in English.

This is a last minute invitation to our tomorrow’s talk:

“From Germany To Mexico And Back: The Experience Of Mexico Vía Berlin” to be discussed with other activists and young scholars from the panel Globalized Civil Societies Or A Global Civil Society? at the First Berlin Forum On Global Politics “This Is Not Global Politics! … Or Is It?”

The talk will be delivered by Arturo Romero and Sabina Morales tomorrow Friday at 10:30. Location: L 113 Seminarzentrum, Otto-von-Simson Straße 26, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

You all are more than welcome, the entrance is free, it is preferably though to confirm your participation to the following address:

The complete programme of the Forum can be downloaded from the official web page, in case you are interested in other topics from today and tomorrow.


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