“Reflecting on NAFTA to better understand TTIP”


México vía Berlín e. V. collaborated with the Berlin Forum on Global Politics (BFoGP) on their photography project entitled “Reflecting on NAFTA to better understand TTIP”.

Jonathan Florez, citizen journalist and photographer, captures in this project the reflections of some of the people who attended a lecture and discussion on NAFTA and TTIP held by México vía Berlín e. V. on 2nd May, 2015. BFoGP co-founders Daniel Cardoso, Marc Venhaus and Miguelángel Verde Garrido were invited to discuss the implications of TTIP, while Prof. Nayar López Castellanos (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) was invited to analyze NAFTA and its consequences for Mexico.

The collaborative photography project is another contribution that gives voice to those individual citizens who are frequently excluded from the public debate on free trade agreements. The photographs of those that attended the event feature statements that represent their own takes on either NAFTA or TTIP or both of them. Each photograph is accompanied by a brief explanation from the attendee on their statement as well as by two recommended readings, which the BFoGP offers to those of you who are interested in further exploring the topics that the attendees are most concerned about.

All pictures and information can be found here.

(Photo credit: Berlin Forum on Global Politics & Jonathan Florez | BFoGP)

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