German arms in Mexico: The case of the exportation of Heckler & Koch G-36 rifles to Mexico


MVB-AG-2014-003 German arms in Mexico: The case of the exportation of Heckler & Koch G-36 rifles to Mexico

Carlos A. Pérez Ricart

Translation: Iliusi Vega del Valle
With a preface by Sabina Morales

México vía Berlín e. V. i. Gr.
DoCument Nr. MVB-AG-2014-003
Serie: MvB Agenda
Januar, 2014.



We present here the case of the illegal export of G36 rifles of the German company Heckler & Koch to Mexico from 2006 to 2008 and of the suspected acts of corruption in which German and Mexican authorities are involved. The text attempts to reconstruct a case which attracted little attention in the Mexican media, but had re-current impact in the German society, since this topic has been present time and again for 3 years in the headlines of newspapers, in t.v. programs and were cover stories of magazines. This text is also a call to the Mexican society to document and pursue those who profit from violence, whose traces can also be found outside Mexico.



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