Cooperation, conflict and globalization in Mexico-Germany relations. Beyond asymmetry?

Veranstaltungen- Seminar/Talk

The conference addresses the issue of the relationship between Mexico and Germany with special attention to the concepts of asymmetry and dependence. As many others relations between central and peripherical states, it will be demonstrated that the Mexican-German relationship (re)produces long term inequalities. Drawing from two different case studies (automobile industry, military exports), it will be argued that the German government has pursued its economic interest over any human rights consideration, job creation or sustainable development interest in Mexico. At the end, the public will gain a critical insight on the complexity of the German-Mexican relations.

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Organized by: Mexikofreunde in Göttingen e.V. | Göttingen International

Speaker: Carlos Pérez Ricart

Where: Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa | Wilhelmsplatz 3 | Taberna

When: 25.11.2016 | 15:15


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