Reading circle: Introducing theories from the south, 8 sessions starting Saturday 28.09.13.

Destacados- Veranstaltungen- Politische Bildung

[Invitación al círculo de lectura “Introduciendo teorías desde el sur” en inglés / Einladung zum Lesekreis auf english “Einführung zu Theorien aus dem Süden”]

South_logoDear friends:

we are greatful to announce our first reading circle for this winter term: Introducing theories from the south, with every two weeks’ sessions starting this Saturday at 19:00. In the following weeks you will be receiving detailed information about our workshop Maths for Critical Social Sciences in montly sessions on Wednesday’s evenings.

In Introducing theories from the south we will read and discuss texts about capitalism and its articulations with the state, economy, modernity, power, labor, ideology, etc. from a south perspective. What does it mean to think from the south? How does this perspective allow us to read from another perspective the mentioned relationships? Along authors like Comaroff, Dussel, Bolivar Echverría, Zizek, Latour, Harvey and others, we will look for some guidelines to think about possible contributions for theories from the south.

Sessions will take place every two weeks, Saturdays from 19:00 to 21:00 hrs, and will be held in English. Participation and commentaries may be expressed, nevertheless, in Spanish or German. The texts are in English, with one or two exceptions, for which some complementary text will be provided at the right time.

Coordinator: Arturo Romero.

Program2013_wise_introducing theories from the south

Dates: 8 sessions to be held from September 2013 to January 2014: Saturdays from 19:00 to 21:00 hrs

Place: Room 120, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 10243 Berlin. (Attention!: some sessions may be held somewhere else, but it will be promptly communicated, see the attached program).

Registration: Iliusi Vega


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